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Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Keep Loads Secure & Tight

Do you need to minimize load shifting, but are looking to save money with plastic strapping tools? Take advantage of the lower cost & weight saving properties of poly/polyester strapping tools! Use a Windlass tensioner to secure your flat package loads or a Pusher Tensioner if you are bundling a round or irregular shaped package.

Complete Packaging Products’ Windlass plastic tensioners provide outstanding tension and are ideal for light loads with flat surface applications. These must have plastic banding tensioners won’t skip a beat and are ready to fit your packaging products’ needs.

Some highlights of Windlass tensioners are:

  • Ability to work with 1/2”, 5/8” and 3/4" plastic strapping
  • Windlass premium tools are made in the USA
  • Windlass plastic banding tensioners are able to apply greater strap tension over a traditional feedwheel tensioners
Our Poly/Polyester pusher tensioner allows you to band round or irregular shaped packages. This tool is new to market and now you are finally able to band types of loads with poly or polyester strapping. When using polyester strapping always use a closed/pusher serrated seal to maximize your system strength. Poly strapping can be banded with a closed/pusher (non-serrated) seal.

Need help figuring out which Poly or Polyester Tensioner is the right solution for your packaging needs? Call 866-787-2790 today and learn more about perfect packaging products for your shipping requirements!

Click Here for Instructions on how to use your Poly Tensioner

Encore Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Part No.DescriptionStrap SizeWeight
3405EP-1150 Premium Polyester Windlass Tensioner3/8" - 3/4"4 lbs.$172.50
3434EP-1185 Premium Pusher Poly/Polyester Tensioner3/8" - 3/4"5 lbs.$275.00
3426EP-1100 Economy Windlass Poly and Cord Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"3 lbs.$42.35
3870EP-1120 Economy Windlass Polyester Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"4 lbs.$71.07
3875EP-1340 Economy Polypropylene Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"3 lbs.$57.60
3872EP-1195 Heavy Duty Windlass Polyester Tensioner5/8" - 1 1/2"7 lbs.$360.65

Signode Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Part No.DescriptionStrap SizeWeight
35411/2" DLT Tensioner (Walking Gripper w/cutter)1/2"1 lbs.$234.00
3542STD Tensioner (Feedwheel w/cutter)1/2"4 lbs.$545.00

MIP Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Part No.DescriptionStrap SizeWeight
3029MIP 370 RD Poly Strap Windlass Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"3 lbs.$128.00
3030MIP 380 HD Poly Strap Windlass Tensioner1/2” - 3/4"5 lbs.$219.00

Orgapak Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Part No.DescriptionStrap SizeWeight
3034Orgapak ORS-1100.19 Poly Strap Windlass Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"3 lbs.$350.00

Teknika Plastic Strapping Tensioners

Part No.DescriptionStrap SizeWeight
3835TP-330 Regular Duty Windlass Tensioner1/2" - 3/4"3 lbs.$75.00
3833MUL-370 Heavy Duty Polyester Tensioner3/4" - 1 1/4"6.5 lbs.$516.65
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